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艰难时期,凸显加国企业 的坚韧毅力







Persons Day


10月18日,我们也庆祝Persons Day,这是争取妇女权益和参与加拿大政治生活的重要里程碑。1929年10月18日,加拿大最高上诉法院承认女性为“人persons”,并赋予她们可以被任命为参议员的权利。

自从女性被认可为“人”已有91年了。但是争取性别平等的斗争仍在继续。因此,让我们继续推进向前,不论是在今天#Persons Day还是每一天。




Statement by the Prime Minister on Small Business Week

2020年10月18日  安大略渥太华  总理办公室

2020年10月18日至24日是加拿大小企业周(Small Business Week),贾斯廷•特鲁多总理就此发表如下声明:






 “从这场危机的开始,我们政府就采取了立即、重大而果断的行动,以帮助在这些关键时期的加拿大工商业保持开门、让员工依然保持就业。通过加拿大紧急工资补贴(Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, CEWS)帮助企业保持员工在工资单上,我们支持了超过370万个就业岗位。我们启动了加拿大紧急商业款项(Canada Emergency Business Account, CEBA),以帮助受到疫情大流行严重冲击的小型企业,让它们安全地度过停封的时期。我们继续与金融机构合作,提供“商业信贷利用计划”(Business Credit Availability Program),帮助公司应付因COVID-19疫情而面临的日常开支或新费用。我们推迟了GST / HST收款和关税的上交,从而让小型企业可以有更多的喘息空间来支付运营成本或保持其雇员的就业。此外,我们与各省和地区合作建立了加拿大紧急商业租金援助计划(Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance),为商业租户提供从4月至9月的租金减免,为超过133,000家、雇用了超过120万加拿大人的小企业提供了支持。

 “在我们继续应对疫情大流行的健康和经济影响、并努力重建更具韧力之经济的同时,我们将继续与全国的工商业站在一起。我们最近宣布了新的加拿大紧急租金补贴(Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy),将帮助那些因公共卫生命令而需要暂时关闭的企业,帮助它们支付最高达90%的租金。我们还扩展了CEBA,并提议将CEWS延长至2021年6月,还通过地区性救助和复苏基金(Regional Relief and Recovery Fund, RRRF)支持加拿大各地的当地就业和区域经济。并且,我们将继续在任何需要的时候提供更多的支持,因为为了重建得更好,我们需要确保加拿大的小企业及其员工获得他们所需要的扶持,让它们重新站立并奋力前行。








Statement by the Prime Minister on Small Business Week

October 18, 2020           Ottawa, Ontario      Prime Minister’s Office

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement marking Small Business Week, which runs from October 18 to 24, 2020:

“Small businesses are key drivers of the Canadian economy and the cornerstone of our communities. They are the day care you drop your kids off at every morning. The mom and pop corner store down the street that gave you your first job. The family-owned restaurant that knows your order off by heart. They transform ideas into new products, create good middle class jobs, and keep our country prosperous, modern, and competitive – and this year, small businesses, their workers, and their owners, need all of us more than ever.

“As we all continue to deal with the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic, today we mark the beginning of Small Business Week in Canada. It is a time to recognize the enormous contributions that small businesses make to our country and the challenges that they have recently faced due to the pandemic. This year’s Small Business Week will also focus on what entrepreneurs across the country are doing to adapt and position their businesses for the recovery.

“In the last year, small businesses have faced this pandemic with incredible resilience, innovation, and a recognition that we must all prioritize our health and safety to fight COVID-19. They have made sacrifices to help our communities, and have faced these challenges with a spirit of creativity and ingenuity. But we know that for many, times have been extraodinarily tough. With workers needing to stay home and businesses forced to shut down or change their operations, too many families have been left without a paycheck and too many small businesses without revenue.

“From the beginning of this crisis, our government took immediate, significant, and decisive action to help Canadian businesses keep their doors open and their employees on the job during these critical times. We have supported over 3.7 million jobs through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) to help businesses keep workers on the payroll. We launched the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) to help small businesses seriously impacted by the pandemic cover expenses as they safely navigate a period of shutdown. We continue to work with financial institutions to offer the Business Credit Availability Program, helping companies manage day-to-day expenses or new costs they face due to COVID-19. We deferred GST/HST remittances and custom duty payments so small businesses could have a bit more breathing room to cover operating costs or keep their workers employed. And in partnership with the provinces and territories, we created the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance to provide rent relief to commercial tenants from April through September, which supported over 133,000 small businesses that employ 1.2 million Canadians.

“As we continue to deal with the health and economic impacts of the pandemic, and work towards rebuilding a more resilient economy, we will continue to be there. We recently announced the new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, which would help cover up to 90 per cent of rent for a business that needs to temporarily shut down due to public health orders. We have also expanded the CEBA, proposed to extend the CEWS until June 2021, and are supporting local jobs and regional economies across Canada through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund. And we will continue to offer more support, for as long as necessary, because to build back better, we need to make sure that our small businesses and their employees have what they need to get back up and running.

“On this Small Business Week, I want to say a special thank you to all the small business owners and entrepreneurs across Canada. Your business has helped raise your family, created good middle class jobs, and shaped your communities. We know the sacrifices that you have made for our country, and we will always be there to support you and your businesses – because your success will be key to getting millions of hardworking Canadians back to work.

“I invite Canadians to join me this week in thanking the small and medium-sized businesses for contributing so much to our country. I also encourage everyone to buy local, order take out, and show as much support as you can for our small businesses. Only together can we defeat this virus and build a more resilient Canada.”








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