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自11月21日起,所有飞往加拿大的旅行者必须使用“ArriveCAN”(抵达加拿大)应用程序提供所需的COVID-19信息。 我们政府继续采取行动加强加拿大的交通网络,而ArriveCAN是保护加拿大人民的又一重要步骤。





Government of Canada announces new mandatory requirements for travellers to Canada  



2020年11月2日 – 安大略渥太华 – 加拿大公共卫生署












自2020年11月21日起,通过空中、陆路或海路方式进入加拿大的旅行者,除非依照《强制隔离令》规定的条件获得豁免,还要求他们在免疫隔离或自我隔离期间通过ArriveCAN或致电免费电话1-833-641- 0343申报。入境加拿大后的48小时内,旅行者必须确认他们已到达检疫或自我隔离地点,而被检疫隔离的人士必须在检疫隔离期内完成每日的COVID-19症状自我评估。





ArriveCAN应用程序可以在安卓平台的Google PlayiOS平台的App Store中下载。旅行者还可以通过在线登录来提交其信息。


  • 最终目的地不是加拿大的过境乘客无需通过ArriveCAN提交信息。

  • 如果旅行者在通过ArriveCAN提交信息时可能遇到困难,可以从Canada.ca/ArriveCAN获得更多信息或发送电子邮件至phac.arrivecan.aspc@canada.ca。

  • 如因个人情况(例如残疾或基础设施不足)而无法以电子方式提交文件的人,将可作例外处理。

  • 一些主要的国际机场将为ArriveCAN用户提供更快处理的专设通道,包括:温哥华国际机场、卡尔加里国际机场、多伦多皮尔逊国际机场和蒙特利尔皮埃尔•埃利奥特•特鲁多国际机场。

  • ArriveCAN不使用任何技术或数据(例如GPS)来监视或跟踪旅行者的行动。您的隐私受到保护。

  • 加拿大政府在边境上采取多种措施,以减少COVID-19疫情在加拿大的扩散。现行的各种旅行限制仍然存在。加拿大政府继续建议加拿大人避免任何非必要的加拿大境外旅行。加拿大的官方全球旅行建议、游轮建议和COVID-19疫情大流行旅行卫生通告仍在生效。






News release

Government of Canada announces new mandatory requirements for travellers to Canada

From: Public Health Agency of Canada


November 2, 2020  -  Ottawa, ON  -  Public Health Agency of Canada

As part of Canada’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, all travellers are required to provide specific information upon and after entry into Canada. This includes requirements to provide a quarantine plan and contact and travel information. The Government of Canada introduced ArriveCAN in April 2020 to create a secure and user-friendly way to help travellers comply with these border measures. ArriveCAN is available as a mobile app or by signing in online.

Today, the Government of Canada announced new mandatory requirements for travellers to Canada.

Pre-arrival to Canada:

As of November 21, 2020, air travellers whose final destination is Canada will be required to submit their information electronically through ArriveCAN before they board their flight. This includes travel and contact information, quarantine plan (unless exempted under conditions set out in the Mandatory Isolation Order), and COVID-19 symptom self-assessment. Travellers must be ready to show their ArriveCAN receipt when seeking entry into Canada; a border services officer will verify that they have submitted their information digitally. Travellers who do not submit the required information digitally before boarding their flight could be subject to enforcement action, which can range from verbal warnings to $1,000 fine. Exceptions will be made for those unable to submit documents electronically due to personal circumstances, such as disability or inadequate infrastructure.

Starting on November 4, 2020, air travellers can expect to be reminded by their air carrier of the need to submit COVID-related information digitally through ArriveCAN prior to boarding their flight to Canada. 

Starting immediately, travellers entering Canada by land or marine modes are strongly encouraged to continue ArriveCAN by downloading the mobile app or signing in online to provide the mandatory information before they arrive to avoid additional delays for public health questioning and to limit points of contact at the border. Travellers can show their ArriveCAN receipt to a border services officer when seeking entry into Canada. 



Post-entry to Canada:

As of November 21, 2020, travellers who enter Canada by air, land or marine modes, unless exempted under conditions set out in the Mandatory Isolation Order, will also be required to submit information through ArriveCAN or by calling the 1-833-641-0343 toll-free number during their quarantine or isolation period. Within 48 hours of entering Canada, travellers must confirm they have arrived at their place of quarantine or isolation and those in quarantine must complete a daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessment during their quarantine period.  

Travellers who don’t use ArriveCAN to submit their information before entering Canada will be required to call the 1-833-641-0343 toll-free number on a daily basis throughout their quarantine or isolation period to provide their post-border information. They will not be able to revert to using ArriveCAN. 


Travellers who do not submit the mandatory information required after they have crossed the border will be considered a high priority for follow-up by law enforcement.

This is a significant step in stopping the spread of COVID-19 as traveller information can be shared quickly and securely with provinces and territories to contact travellers for public health follow-up, and with law enforcement to verify compliance with the Mandatory Isolation Order.

Submitting information digitally in all modes of travel will also help travellers reduce their processing time at the border as well as limit physical contact between travellers and border services officers and Public Health Agency of Canada officers. This protects the health and safety of travellers and officers.

The ArriveCAN app is available for download on Google Play for Android or through the App Store for iOS. Travellers can also submit their information by signing in online.

Quick Facts

• In-transit passengers whose final destination is not Canada do not need to submit their information through ArriveCAN.

•Travellers who may experience difficulty submitting their information through ArriveCAN can access additional information at Canada.ca/ArriveCAN or send an email to: phac.arrivecan.aspc@canada.ca.

• Exceptions will be made for those who are unable to submit documents electronically due to personal circumstances, such as disability or inadequate infrastructure.

•Dedicated lanes for faster processing for ArriveCAN users are available at some major international airports, including: Vancouver International Airport, Calgary International Airport, Toronto Pearson International Airport, and the Montréal Pierre-Elliott Trudeau International Airport.

•ArriveCAN does not use any technology or data, such as GPS, to monitor or track traveller movements. Your privacy is protected.

•The Government of Canada is taking a variety of measures at the border as part of its efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. Current travel restrictions remain in place. The Government of Canada continues to advise Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada. Canada's official global travel advisory, cruise ship advisory and pandemic COVID-19 travel health notice are still in effect.

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