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加拿大一直是世界舞台上多元文化和包容性的灯塔和典范。 我们民族认同的核心是相互尊重,平等,正义以及文化包容与交流的价值观。 多元文化是我们的力量,我们必须继续秉承这一价值观。然而,不幸的是,加拿大也未能避免于最近激增的反亚裔情绪,包括对弱势亚裔加拿大人的口头及人身攻击。 如果不阻止这些种族主义行为,加拿大作为世界上最宽容和最宜居的国家之一的地位和形象将受到极大的破坏。

现在,亚裔处于非常微妙的国际政治和社会氛围中,无辜的亚洲血统公民已成为替罪羊和仇恨犯罪的目标。 在我们主要城市(包括温哥华,蒙特利尔,多伦多和渥太华)所报告的统计数据中,可以明显看出,对亚裔受害者的袭击,和亚裔经营的商业遭受破坏的情况激增。值得注意的是,自新冠疫情大流行开始以来,加拿大华裔全国委员会记录了1000多起反亚洲种族主义事件,其中60%是妇女报告的。 更有甚者,竟然有关于针对亚裔老年人的攻击的报道。 要知道,我们的长辈完全是因为反亚裔的种族歧视而遭受到攻击的。

就在上周,我们目睹了在佐治亚州亚特兰大市发生的令人震惊的反亚裔女性的大屠杀,受害的八人中,有6人是无辜的亚裔妇女。 这样震惊世界的悲剧,竟然发生在注重民主和人权的北美。在针对亚裔的袭击日益严峻的大背景下,一个可悲的现实是每个生活在加拿大的亚裔人在日常生活中不得不面对的这样的威胁。
亚裔在加拿大这个伟大的国家拥有悠久的历史。 众所周知的1800年代的铁路建设,以及近现代对加拿大经济增长,提高全球竞争力,亚裔都做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在新冠大流行时积极支持政府工作,广受赞誉。

不幸的是,反亚裔种族主义在加拿大并非史无前例。 我们作为一个积极发展的多元化国家,只有从错误中吸取教训,才有信心在未来我们可以做得更好。 加拿大的未来和成功取决于我们继续努力建立一个更具包容性的社会。 作为一个国家,我们必须面对过去的挑战,同时携手走向更加和平和繁荣的未来。

Canada has been a beacon and model of multiculturism and inclusiveness on the world stage. At the core of our national identity are values of mutual respect, equality, justice, and cultural tolerance and exchange. Diversity is our strength and we must continue to uphold this value.

Unfortunately, however, Canada has not been immune to the recent surge in anti-Asian sentiment, including verbal and physical assault against vulnerable Asian-Canadians. I am afraid if these acts of racism are not stopped, Canada’s status and image as one of the most tolerant nations and best countries to live in will be greatly undermined and tarnished.

Today, we find ourselves in a delicate political and social climate where innocent citizens of Asian descent have become scapegoats and targets of hate-crimes. This is evident in the statistics reported in our major cities – including Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa – on the surge of attacks on victims of Asian descent and the vandalization of Asian-owned businesses. Of note, the Chinese Canadian National Council has documented over 1,000 incidents of anti-Asian racism since the beginning of the pandemic, 60% of which were reported by women. Unfortunately, there have also been many reports of attacks targeting Asian seniors; to be clear, our own grandparents are being attacked based purely on their race.

Just last week we witnessed the horrific anti-Asian and misogynist mass killings of eight people in Atlanta, Georgia, six of whom were women of Asian descent. This senseless tragedy took place in the context of worsening attacks against people of Asian descent in the US and in Canada. It is a sad reality that Asian Canadians have to face these threats of racist attacks in their everyday lives.

The Canadian-Asian community has a rich history here in our great nation. Asian Canadians have helped build Canada to what it is today through the construction of railroads in the 1800’s, new business development and growth, and the current support to our country’s economy, global competitiveness, and pandemic response efforts.

Unfortunately, anti-Asian racism is not unprecedented in Canada. Having said that, we have continued to grow as a people and country and learn from our mistakes, and because of this, I am confident we can do better. The future and success of Canada rests upon our continued efforts to build and sustain a more inclusive society. As a nation we must confront the challenges of our past while forging together towards a more peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous future.





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