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发布时间:  浏览: 次  作者:Siyuan Liu




我在救护车里吐得更加厉害,难受得不停地摇头,身边的医务工作人员左手为我拿着呕吐专用袋,右手不停地为我擦眼泪,擦我嘴角的吐沫。不到10 分钟就到了市医院急诊室,由于他们考虑周全,推我走的是緑色通道,才以最快的速度见到急诊室一个棕色皮肤的全科医生。
见到值班的女专科医生,好像是一位亚裔,身高一米六左右,说话温和,胸前挂着听诊器,手里拿着体温表,通过儿子翻译,医生询问了我的病情与相关的身体情况,她皱着眉头看着我吐出苦水的样子,没有说太多的话,就专注为我量体温、量血压、做核酸测试等检查。然后告诉儿子协助护士让我做抽血化验与大脑 CT检查。
时间过得很慢,门外的脚步声,感觉是医务人员忙于交班工作。竞让我突然想起,白天急救车上的两个医务人员,急诊室为我快速处理病情的两位医生;以及做大脑 CT 时那个高大黑色皮肤的小伙子,温馨的提醒:“妈咪小心一点,不要动”。
A Letter of Thanks
It was a cold morning, and the snowflakes hit my face one by one. I was walking towards an ambulance with two young male paramedics supporting on each side. My footsteps were floating in the air as if I stepped into clouds, and I vomited out of breath.With a great deal of effort, I finally got into the ambulance.
I vomited more severelyin theambulance, and I kept shaking my head uncomfortably.
The paramedic held a vomiting bag for me with his left hand while wiping my tears from my eyes or spit from my mouth with his right hand. We arrivedat the emergency room in lessthan 10 minutes, and the very considerate paramedics managed to find me a brown-skinned general practitioner right away.
After my son told the doctor about my symptoms, I was diagnosed ofBenign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), and I was told that it wasn’t a hugeproblem. Immediately afterwards, myson and the doctor helped me sit on a bed, and between my vomit attacks,the doctor patiently treated me with otolith repositioning physical therapy. When the treatment didn’t work, the doctor arranged for me to go to another room to see a specialist.
The specialist on duty turned out to be a female Asian who was about 160 cm tall and soft-spoken, with a stethoscope on her chest and a thermometer in her hand. Through the translation of my son, the doctorinquired about my condition and related issues. When I vomited out some more bitter fluid, she looked atme sympathetically. Without saying much, she started taking mytemperature, checking my blood pressure, and issuing the nucleic acid test. She then told myson to assist the nurse totake me to places for blood tests and brain CT scan.
Aboutan hour later, the specialist came to the patient waiting room and told me that the examination results matched the previous diagnosis of otolithiasis or BPPV. Seeing my painful look, she took myhand and said,"Not to worry; you will get better soon." Then a female nurse with yellow hair came to me and gave me an IV injection and antiemetic pills.
All those kind gestures of themedical staff gave me great comfort.
Acouple of hours later, I was told that I would stay in the hospital for a few days, and therewas abed waiting for me. At that time, I knew neither that the nucleic acid test wouldtake three daysto produce results, nor that there was a huge shortage of beds in the inpatientdepartment.

However, the doctors and nurses worked miracles to find me one.

Then the specialistsaid to my son, “You have been taking care of your mother all day long and didnot eat anything. Now you can go homewithout worry. Your mother is taken care of.If you have any question, this is the number you can call.” My son thanked her with all his heart beforeshe left.
Before long,a black-skinned middle-aged nurse helped me organize my simple daily necessities and carefully moved me to a stretcher before slowly pushing me into the inpatientbuilding, making many turns andtakingtwoelevators. We then finally reached a comfortable single room ward.
Lying aloneonthe hospital bed, I watched motionlessly the drips go into my veins, and my thoughts went everywhere: What’s the greatest wealth in life? What’s the most precious in a human relationship? What do I want from this life?...
Time flew slowly, and the sound of footsteps outside the door made me knowthe medical staff were busy doing shift changes. It suddenly reminded me of the two paramedics in the ambulance, the two doctors inthe emergency room who handled my illness quickly;
and the tall, dark-skinned young man who told me gently not to move while doing my brain CT scan. I feltregrettable that I didn’t remember any oftheir names.
“Hello, what can I do for you?" a young female nurse on the night shift stood in front of my bed and asked softly. This warm greeting interrupted my thought stream, but it made me feel less lonely.
The next morning, looking at the sunshine outside the window, I wondered when I would be dischargedfrom the hospital.
“Happy birthday," a brown-skinned nurse in her50s wearing some kindof protective clothing said to me with a smile. I was so surprised that I couldn't speak.She approached my bed again and said, “Goodmorning, Liu. I am your nurse.” My English was very poor, but I understood what she just said and immediately replied in English:
"It's very nice to meetyou.”
Then came a man with brown skin: “Good morning, happy birthday to you, Liu. I am your attending doctor.” The medium-builddoctor was neither fat nor thin. Hetalked and gestured at the same time to tell me to sit up by grabbing the armrest beside the bed with one hand. Itold the doctor in simple English, "I feel dizzy and want to vomit."
He carefully supported me to stand up and then asked me to keep imitating his movements for exercise. Although reticent, he calmed me down.
However, because of the language barrier and cultural differences, on the third day of my hospitalization when the doctor came to check on me, I talked with him and the nurse using a complaining tone.
The nurse was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say, yet the doctor approached my bedside and took my hand: “Liu, I understandyour frustration,but don't worry. Give me five days. Your will recover." His soft and soothing voice made me feel guilty:
“Thank you!” I said.
Later that day, I recalled how all the nurses took good care of me day and night, giving me medicines, cleaning my body, and doing many other things. I especially appreciated my day shiftnurses who, everytime before going home, stood at my door and said to me,“Good night, Liu.”
Indeed, the doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and hygienists in the hospital all made a greatimpression on me. Forexample, a male and a female Chinese nurses always squeezed time to help me communicate with the doctor and encouraged me to cooperate with a therapist for physical therapy. There was also this young man from China who was serious and meticulous whenever doing my brain MRI...I was truly grateful to them
allfor this was the firsttime I was hospitalized, and I had never imagined doctors and nurses would care so much about astranger from a foreign country.
I stayed in the hospital for five days. Everything happened during this time not only impressed me with the smooth management of the hospital, but more importantly the dedication and the kindness of all healthcare workers. They earned my greatest respect.
Here, I’d like to express my most sincere blessing: I wish all the medical staff happiness.
Atthe same time, I wish everyone in the world stay healthy and safe.
Siyuan Liu
Correspondent, China-Canada International Culture and Arts Center




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