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​20211016日下午,由【朗读者·海外精英】编辑部举办的第一次线下文艺活动在多伦多Miliken Mills Park 上演。多伦多众多文艺团体和个人纷纷登台献艺,现场还有新书签名赠送、艺术品拍卖等活动,热度爆棚。


































An Excellent Platform

for Telling Stories 

of Overseas Chinese

An overview of 

“Reciter: Elites of Overseas”

ByJack Sun

Tr. Shadow Snake


In the afternoon on October 16th, 2021, the first offline literary activity organized by the editorial board of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” was staged in Milliken Mills Park, in the City of Markham, just north of Toronto.  Many literary and art performance groups as well as individuals in Toronto all came together and staged a performance extravaganza.  There were also activities such as book signing and artwork auctioning at the scene, which proved to be extremely popular.


This was a passionate gathering of literature and arts.  Authors, editors, translators, reciters, readers, critics and volunteers from many cities in Canada and from all walks of life gathered together to meet up their writing pals and friends with a mission of continue to write wonderful stories of Overseas Chinese. During the four-hour-long event, more than 40 wonderful performances, such as poetry recitation, song singing, drama performance, traditional ethnic dances, military dance display and Chinese costume etiquette.  All the acts appeared one after another and won bursts of applause. Although there was a short period of wind and rain and the temperature was low, Everyone, including old pals who had reunited after a long time and new friends who just met all thoroughly enjoyed the day, and the atmosphere at the scene was passionate and heart-warming.


As the old saying goes, spring blooms and autumn harvests. “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” was born in the chilly month of March in 2021. The raging epidemic has cut off people's persistent belief in a better life and grateful society. A group of Chinese Canadian volunteers and social groups who have lived in Canada for a long time, have decided to do something of historical significance both for their ancestral home country, and the country they live in, as well as for all overseas Chinese compatriots in this extraordinary period.


As a result, “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” was born. It is a heartwarming platform for telling stories of overseas Chinese. There are thousands of overseas Chinese and thousands of stories to be told about immigrants. Although telling stories about immigrants is not the first initiative established by “Reciter: Elites of Overseas”. However, to tell the stories in both Chinese and English bilingually, and to recite the stories aloud, plus utilizing videos, stage performances and other forms, which makes this platform so wonderfully three-dimensional and well-developed, and extremely valuable. All the colleagues on the editorial board have devoted themselves selflessly without complaining and put a lot of efforts into the success of this platform.


It is often said that where there is sea water, there are Chinese people, and where there are Chinese people, there are epic Chinese stories. Going back in history, we will never forget the more than 17,000 Chinese workers who came to Canada from China more than 130 years ago to build the Canadian Pacific Railway, among them, more than 4,000 perished during the construction. And we will never forget about the 13 tragic warriors of the Canadian Chinese ancestors who exchanged their blood and lives in World War II for the dignity and voting rights of overseas Chinese.


The establishment of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” publication is timed perfectly. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Canada's multicultural national policy, which is the first such policy in the world. Canada is a beautiful homeland owned by more than 250 ethnic groups, with Chinese accounting for 5% of the population of more than 38 million. It is an important force to be reckoned with in Canadian society. Overseas stories are rich in resources, rich in accumulation, and are in desperate need for deep cultivation. “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” emerged, taking telling stories of overseas Chinese immigrants as its own duty, by establishing its reach at present, recording history, enlightening the future, and rescuing cultural heritage. “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” is full of vitality and has extraordinary historical value.


The essence of telling a story is to spread it meaningfully in a variety of interesting ways, make it deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For this reason, members of the editorial board of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” have worked hard and painstakingly. First of all, it is widely collecting great stories through different channels, and secondly, it comprehensively uses various artistic means to present these great stories three-dimensionally..


It has been less than seven months since its establishment, it has continuously released 28 issues of contents through WeChat and various other media.  Many stories are wonderful and catch people's praise and attention. [A Man of Salvation], [The Greatest Motherly Love], [A Closer Look at Luan Jujie], [Immigrating to Canada], [The Coming of Age of a Genius Girl], [A Glance at Chinese Canadian Literature], [I was vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine], [Oriental Impression of Chinese Music], [Cultivating Elite at Harvard], [My Love for Chinese on a Foreign Land], [Days in Tranquility], [One Man, An Island: Ten Day trip to Iceland], [Encounter Blizzard in the Rockies], [Boy Who wins Tearful Applause], [Online Chorus During Pandemic], [Reunion After a Long Time], [What is Love-A Chinese Class] ... All of these lively topics left a deep impression for us.


As an author, I am fortunate to be chosen as a member of the editorial board. Coincidentally, when the platform was founded, it was the first anniversary of my immigration to Canada. As a new immigrant, I have experienced a lot during my first year in Canada, especially during the extraordinary pandemic period. I have seen and heard many touching stories of Canadian Chinese's perseverance, self-confidence and dedication. Therefore, my wife, Professor Cui Xin, and I co-authored "Online Chorus During Pandemic". We recorded our true feelings of participating in the Red Maple Choir in Cloud during COVID-19, and conveyed to the world the spiritual outlook of Chinese seniors who dared to challenge themselves and unite as one to fight the pandemic. The manuscript was widely circulated and received very positive responses after being adopted by the platform.


The way of telling stories through “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” is unusual and unique. From collecting original works to translating in Chinese and English; from writing the preamble to recite in both Chinese and English; from recording synthesis to editing and publishing with pictures, the workflow must go through fifteen working procedures. With proofreading, and quality check at every level, each procedure interlocking with each other to bringing out the best possible publication. The advent of high-quality works can not be separated from the professional, rigorous, and efficient editorial team.


When talking about the original intention of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas”, I interviewed Ms. Jiong Cheng, the producer of the project, and Mr. Shadow Snake, the editor-in-chief, on site at the event on the 16th. They both were experienced immigrants and had many vivid stories in themselves. They said emotionally that there are many Chinese sons and daughters living overseas far away from their homeland, and they are the trendsetters of the times who are mindful of their home country and the world. All along, overseas Chinese ancestors have written the history of overseas Chinese with wisdom, courage, hot blood and their life, showing the splendid civilization and unyielding humanistic spirit of the Chinese nation to the whole world.


There are just too many wonderful and touching stories of overseas Chinese. Unfortunately, we have never systematically compiled and recorded them in both Chinese and English. “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” sponsored by “International Chinese Writers Association of Canada” is undertaking this glorious and arduous task. We should record "a man and his story" by various means, such as presenting in Chinese and English, reciting in both languages, performing the stories in the forms such as literature and art, audio and video, etc., so as to convey and continue the spirit of overseas Chinese's struggle, optimism and dedication.


When talking about future planning, Ms. Jiong Cheng and Mr. Shadow Snake said that they plan to publish bilingual books in Chinese and English every year based on the stories collected, and provide these precious historical materials to Canadian libraries, museums and influential social groups for permanent preservation. Two large-scale offline literary activities will be held in spring and autumn every year, with promoting Chinese culture as a theme by performing in Chinese and English. It will also be necessary to rely on the “Toronto Business Club” registered with the Canadian government and incorporate “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” into charity projects for its continued growth.


Over the years, generations of outstanding sons and daughters of Chinese descendent have lived and worked hard on this side of the ocean, in the cities of maple leaves , under the Rockies, on the shore of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and beside the Appalachian Mountains. Together with other ethnic groups, they nourished the land of North America with youthful blood and displayed the splendid civilization, fine traditions and broad feelings of the Chinese nation on the international stage. It is the glorious mission and duty of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” to record their life and praise their spirit.


Over the years, generations of outstanding sons and daughters of Chinese descendent have lived and worked hard on this side of the ocean, in the cities of maple leaves , under the Rockies, on the shore of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and beside the Appalachian Mountains. Together with other ethnic groups, they nourished the land of North America with youthful blood and displayed the splendid civilization, fine traditions and broad feelings of the Chinese nation on the international stage. It is the glorious mission and duty of “Reciter: Elites of Overseas” to record their life and praise their spirit.


All of the past is but a preface, as there are more expectations, there will be long days ahead.



本 期 作 者




Author: Jack Sun


Editors for this Issue
编 委 风 采



Senior editor: 

Jiong Cheng






Executive Editor 

Shadow Snake






























































来源:彧蛇诗歌情 作者/孙瑞祥  译/彧蛇







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