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“在经历了 COVID-19 疫情大流行肆虐的第二年后,新年夜是我们回顾我们国家在过去 12个月中所经历之成功和挑战、并以新的希望和决心展望未来之道路的时候。

“2021 年,这场疫情大流行持续对我们的生活造成了重大的冲击。我们每个人都不得不做出牺牲,以守护彼此的安全。我们失去了许多亲人和社区中的人,还有很多人因为全国各地的极端天气状况而失去了他们的家园或生计。我们还直接面对加拿大历史错误的遗留问题,共同目睹了在前寄宿学校旧址附近发现的无标记坟墓和墓地。但是,同样在过去的12 个月里,我们也看到加拿大民众凝聚一起同舟共济,适应新的现实,并尽自己的一份努力去帮助打造一个更美好的明天——用他们的善良、坚韧和辛勤工作。

“我们每个人都用肘碰肘的方式来代替握手,继续戴着口罩,我们一起卷起袖子打疫苗,以便我们最终能够恢复曾经喜爱做的事情。在新的变异毒株之威胁下,接种疫苗仍然是我们抗击 COVID 19 疫情的最佳防线。在 2022 年,我们需要携手共同努力,来结束这场疫情大流行。

“从 2020 年秋季到 2021 年秋季,全国有超过一百万加拿大人重返工作岗位,上个月的失业率是疫情大流行开始以来的最低值。在我们喜迎新的一年之际,我们政府仍然致力于以加拿大人为本,投资加拿大人的未来,包括为他们提供所需要的扶持以度过这场危机。在2022 年,我们将继续采取有切实意义的措施,创造就业机会,让拥有住房的梦想再次为民所及,并让生活更易于负担,造福中产阶层以及那些努力工作试图加入中产的人们。我们将完成为民众家庭落实平均每天 10 元托儿服务的工作,我们将采取加拿大团队的方式,协力打造一个更有韧力的医疗护理体系、加强长期护理、并改善民众获得精神健康服务的机会。我们仍有许多工作要做,但我们将迎接时代赋予的重任,继续向前。

“在过去的一年中,创纪录的热浪、山林野火以及洪水影响了许多加拿大人,这严酷地提醒我们:气候变化是真实存在的,我们需要正面应对它。在未来的一年里,我们将比以往任何时候都更快地行动,抗击气候危机,创造就业并增长经济,并打造一个更清洁的未来。”过去一年对加拿大的原住民来说是特别困难的一年——在我们直接面对我们过去的严酷事实及其持续的、悲惨的后果之时,深重的创伤被重新揭开。我们必须继续讲述这些真相,支持走向民族和解的愈合过程,并共同努力消除许多原住民所经历的不公正。2022 年,在解决寄宿学校的影响以及失踪和被谋杀的原住民妇女、女童和 2SLGBTQQIA+人士的国家悲剧方面,加拿大联邦政府将继续推动进步,同时继续响应“加拿大真相与和解委员会”的行动呼吁,并实施《联合国原住民权利宣言法》。我们将加快消除原住民差距的工作,至今依然有太多第一民族、因纽特人和梅蒂斯人在面临这样的差距,我们必须继续通过伙伴关系来做这件事,这样的伙伴关系让原住民能够感到安全和尊重,并让他们有一个公平和公正的机会去争取成功。


The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement to mark the New Year:
“Tonight, across the country, Canadians will count down to midnight to welcome a new year, and reflect on the one that has passed.
“This year has been challenging for many of us. We have experienced a global pandemic that has threatened our health, our economy, and our very way of life. We have seen acts of senseless violence that have devastating impacts on our communities. And, we have heard heartbreaking stories and calls for justice from racialized Canadians and Indigenous peoples, demanding that we act now to address racism, discrimination, and injustices in our country.
“Through the mental, physical, and financial toll of these past 12 months, we have also seen Canadians show strength, resilience, and a willingness to work together. Communities have taken steps to support their most vulnerable, families and businesses have made sacrifices to keep others safe, and people from coast to coast to coast have fought for a better, fairer future for everyone. These actions should inspire us all as we move into the next year.
“In 2021, we will continue our fight against COVID-19 with a renewed sense of hope. Canadians have already started to receive doses of safe and effective vaccines. We have the most diverse vaccine portfolio of any country, and we continue to work with provinces and territories, and Indigenous communities and partners, to ensure that all Canadians will have free access to vaccines as soon as possible. We will also keep doing what it takes, for as long as it takes, to support people and businesses through the crisis.

“Businesses, entrepreneurs, workers, and all Canadians have shown incredible resilience and resolve throughout the many challenges they have faced this year. And we have taken action to have people’s backs every step of the way. We created measures like the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Business Account, and the new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy to help hundreds of thousands of businesses, charities, and non-profits pay their bills and keep their workers on the payroll. We have also supported Canadians who have lost their income due to the pandemic – including the 8.9 million Canadians who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit this year – and are continuing to provide income support through new recovery benefits and changes to Employment Insurance.

“The challenges we have faced this year have shown how important it is to build back better. As we recover from this crisis, we must take every opportunity to make our country stronger, more sustainable, and more just for everyone. That means building a more inclusive economy, and working with our partners to address the systemic barriers that discriminate against too many Canadians, making it harder for them to succeed. It means taking further climate action, and investing in clean energy and technologies. And it means taking action to ensure all Canadians are safe, involved, and supported in their communities.

“In this past year alone, we have already taken some major steps toward these goals. We introduced a strengthened climate plan so we can meet and exceed our international climate commitments, reduce pollution, create jobs and new opportunities for businesses, and build a healthier, cleaner, more resilient future for all Canadians. We also launched our country’s first Black Entrepreneurship Program to support Black entrepreneurs and business owners in partnership with Canadian financial institutions, and introduced legislation to allow for the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In addition, we took action to protect our communities from gun violence by banning over 1,500 models and variants of assault-style firearms and some of their components.
“As we wrap up this year and move into a new one, I invite Canadians to reflect on all that we have learned about ourselves – our perseverance, our ingenuity, and our compassion for others. I also express my gratitude to those working on the front lines of the pandemic, who put the interests of their neighbours, their communities, and their country ahead of their own every day. The pandemic has shown us what we can accomplish and overcome when we all work together toward shared goals and values. Now, as we look to the opportunities that await us in 2021, let us all continue to build a Canada that is stronger, fairer, and more equitable for everyone.”






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